
Public Speakers Sister Spotlight: Mary Mobley

Written by the Mic Drop Workshop Team

Ready for a dose of motivation? Nothing inspires us quite like our fellow Speaker Sisters who are embracing their stories to help others. Mary Mobley has persevered through her fair share of hardships and challenges in life. Now, she’s setting out to influence audiences to change how they look at their past for a better future. We sat down with Mary to hear all about her journey sharing her message of perseverance through faith as a speaker and writer.

What inspired you to become a speaker or writer?

The theme persevering through faith is actually my life story. Being someone that grew up in the foster care system and having those limitations, you often learn to doubt yourself and your abilities. It wasn’t until I grew into myself that I understood I was put here for a purpose and decided to embrace my calling and destiny.

What is a struggle you’ve encountered as a thought leader and how did you overcome it?

There’s a common misconception that chasing a dream is easy. That is far from the truth. Being such a young person that has a desire to see and be somewhat responsible for the change in the world, I have often been called a dreamer. And because of my positive outlook I have been overlooked and not taken seriously when I decided to jump into public speaking.

What is one of your proudest accomplishments so far in your speaking or writing career?

I spoke for children who were affected by foster care and one young lady came and told me I changed the way she looked at life.

What is a goal are you currently working towards and how is it going?

My ultimate goal as a speaker would be to bridge the gap but I see constantly growing between the younger and older generations. There are so many children that go through life doubting themselves and believing that they are less than deserving of the life that they want. It is my goal, my desire to encourage both my generation and the generations to come to embrace their journeys and have faith in themselves.

What is something you love about speaking or writing?

Writing in particular gives both the communicator and the audience an opportunity to see things from two different perspectives.

What tip do you have for people who want to write or speak?

The best advice I could give is something that has been said to me – “Give your heart the pen.”

What advice would you give your 10-year-old self?

Follow your heart, not their opinions.

Connect with Mary on social media here.

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