
5 Tips for Soundcheck

Written by the Mic Drop Workshop Team

It’s gig day! No matter how big or how small the speaking engagement, a smooth soundcheck is crucial to make sure any and all kinks are ironed out before you grab the mic. The less surprises you encounter like a faulty flash drive or wonky WiFi, the better. Keep these 5 soundcheck tips in mind the next time you’re headed into the auditorium before a speaking gig.

1. Test Everything

Don’t just test the mic during soundcheck. If you’re speaking with slides, test your computer’s WiFi connection. Test the clicker by clicking through all of your slides. Test the sound if your slides include accompanying videos. Soundcheck is your opportunity to test every piece of technology involved in your presentation, so take full advantage of this time.

2. Walk & Talk

When testing the microphone at soundcheck, don’t just stand in one place. Walk back and forth to both ends of the stage while clicking and speaking. That way, you’ll find out if there is any microphone feedback or a dead zone you should avoid standing in during your talk.

3. Bring a printed intro

When it comes to soundcheck, we encourage you to be extra. Even if you emailed the event organizer or meeting planner your introduction, bring an extra printed copy to soundcheck. Emails can get lost easily, and having a printed copy (or two!) available onsite will make the event team’s lives easier and help you breathe easier.

4. Know the schedule

Context is important! At soundcheck, ask what’s happening before and after you speak so that you know the run of the show. If your talk is the first thing people will hear in the morning, you may want to bring a different kind of energy than if it were at the end of the day after all of their events. Will you be talking during lunch? Knowing the audience’s schedule can help you deliver your talk in a way that benefits them the most.

5. Bring a flash drive

Remember when we mentioned being extra? When in doubt, bring your presentation file on a flash drive on it in the event something happens to your computer. (We hope nothing does!) If you’re using a clicker, bring an extra clicker and batteries. Check out our full list of recommended speaking gig equipment here.

When it comes to the events industry, always expect the unexpected. Although things may go wrong, you can eliminate as much pre-presentation worry as possible by being prepared.

Save this soundcheck checklist for your next gig and follow Mic Drop Workshop on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for more free speaking tips!

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